22 July 2010

Things That Are Off The List

Following a recent conversation with my best girlfriend (who shall remain nameless for now), I have decided to re-instate things that are off the list.  The original LIST was permanently displayed in marker on my other best friend's (yes you can have more than one) wall.  The original list included Mandy Moore and the Caliph (a drag queen bar) for reasons that I am not going to expand on at this moment.  This list was added to from time to time until the day that his girlfriend made him paint over it before they moved.  The new house was not allowed to have permanent marker on the wall (go figure) so the list was restarted in the garage where it presumably still grows today.  Yesterday, my girlfriend jokingly (?) decided to start a list of her own which included me on it (right after the pool vaccuum) - NICE!    In response here is my list (in no particular order of the off-ness that they are.)

1.  Watermelon
2.  Lucy the dog (you know what you did)
3.  Advertisers
4.  Pollen
5.  Talking iphone apps
6.  Washable kids paint
7.  Porridge (Maddie added this one)
8.  Thunder Flys
9.  Playgroup Committee
10.  HSBC

Happy Thursday - Feel free to add your own Off the List and share!


kittyn_uk said...

Why - are they on the list?

kittyn_uk said...

I suppose to be fair - everything on my off the list LIST, should have been originally ON my LIST. Many of these have never been ON my LIST. I may need to revise. Watermelon and Lucy are staying on for sure though!

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