24 February 2011

No 'poo' Day 5 - The one where I find a solution....

Okay, Day 5 of no shampoo and I wake up and expect to run my fingers through....well I didn't expect to 'run' my fingers through anything.  When I went to bed last night, my hair had congealed into a mass that had practically stuck to my pillow.

I was mildly surprised to find that although my hair felt a little off - it wasn't greasy at all.  It felt heavy and lifeless, but not greasy.  Perhaps true progress was being made and these women were really on to something. 

I decided to brave my day out with my friend Alla whilst sticking to my experiment and opted for a long shower with a baking soda rinse (unlike the paste I had used previously, this was about a teaspoon with 2 cups of very warm water).  I ran that through my hair and scrubbed my scalp until I thought it might bleed.  Then I followed it up with the Apple Cider Vinegar, which everyone has sworn by.  The ACV smelled pretty foul in the shower, but when I got out my hair felt AMAZING.  It had a squeaky clean, but not stripped feel to it.  The roots didn't feel laden with oil and it looked really shiny (okay it was wet, but it was really, really glossy).

I started to blow dry and actually saw a bit of volume (and this was with no product in it).  I kept blowdrying and realized that I was not really getting anywhere.  My hair was taking 10 times longer than normal to dry and still reaked of vinegar. 

I thought long and hard about some of the other research I had done on the subject and thought I would give my hair one last option.  The great news is that it worked a treat - my hair looked soft, shiny and smelled lovely. 

The wonder product in the end was - SHAMPOO!!!  Yeah, I caved, and I caved bad!!!  I didn't feel guilty either.  I felt that I had successfuly completed the experiment to my satisfaction.  2 of the biggest motivators for women to do this was time and money, I wasn't saving either of those.  I know that many women want to ditch all the chemicals in their shampoo, but I looked at mine - 80% organic with non of the bad stuff all these websites tell you to avoid.  I do feel that with the right hair style/type, and lots of time and self esteem this would probably work.  Since I never seem to have all of these at the same time, I think that I would never make it through long enough to reap the fruitful rewards of ditching the suds.

I have been loving on my hair all day - swishing, flaunting and running my fingers through non-greasy strands for hours.  I may have a bald patch by tomorrow from all the hair fondling, but it will be well worth it.  Tonight I am going to wash my nasty pillowcases and drift off to the sweet scent of my perfectly styled, silky coif!

Nighty Night!


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