21 February 2011

No 'poo' for a week?!?

This post is not possibly as gross as the title implies - or maybe it is, but just not in the way you thought when you read it.  I was reading an interesting article a couple of weeks ago about a movement of women who were ditching their shampoo and soap in favor of more skin and scalp friendly alternatives.  Many of these women are not dread-locked, granola eating hippy-types, but those more classically prone to NOT wearing patchouli oil and wearing their armpit hair au-naturel. 

BTW - I have nothing against women who wear patchouli oil, refrain from shaving, or eat granola - hell - I alomst became one of those women during a brief period of insanity when I almost moved to kauai to sleep on a beach in a tent.....but I digress.....

These women decided that between the many nasty chemicals in shampoo, the cost and the time spent shampooing they were going to give it a rest.  The interesting thing was that many of them decided it worked for them.  After a week or so of greasy uneasiness, their hair settled in to a more natural rhythm of being.  According to many studies, the chemicals in modern day shampoo force your scalp to produce more sebum (oil) therefor perpetuating the need to shampoo more frequently.  By stopping this cycle you can get away with washing your hair far less often and (here's the kicker) it will actually look and feel better.

I brought this topic up at the gym and was met by a very divided group of women.  Many said that yes the science sounds probable and some said - please, that is disgusting, nobody could ever convince me that not shampooing would work.  The debate grew for a few days with women bringing in 'tidbits' of info that they had gatherered whilst doing some 'research' on the subject.  Vehement arguments broke out on whether to 'poo' or not and at the end of last week I would say that it was pretty split down the middle.

Here is where I came in (again).  I decided that I would take one for the team and test drive this theory to prove for once and for all if it works.  If I'm being honest I was kind of bullied into it but - semantics.

Let me preface this experiment by explaining a few things:

1.  I have a love/hate relationship with my hair.  See my last hair blog for more proof.
2. I have shampooed every day if not more for the better part of 25 years.
3.  I have baby fine hair that has not an ounce of volume without some serious products (which require washing out).
4.  The hair fairies work mysteriously at night to my hair into an intricate weave of knots, necessitating a good shampoo and bucketful of conditioner to fix it.
5.   If left to its own devices, my hair would solidify into a single, pathetic, limp noodle.
6. One of my favorite things in life is finding my next great shampoo/conditioner combo - perfect shine, swishability, volume, style prospects and scent.

To go without shampoo was not a challenge I undertook lightly - so several members had to sweeten the deal by backing me financially (jokingly threatening to quit).  I decided that this week would be the perfect week undertake such an experiment because Maddie was on half-term and I wouldn't be working and therefore could hide out in my house with the curtains closed.

I read up on some tips and tricks for getting through the first few days.  These included washing your hair with a paste made from baking soda and then rinsing it with vinegar, squeezing lemons through your hair while showering, wearing a hat, and spritzing witch hazel in your roots when you got up in the morning. 

Today was DAY  1 and I decided to go the baking soda and vinegar route because the whole lemon thing sounding like it might sting in the shower and I haven't held witch hazel in my possession since the early 80s.

I made a paste and schlepped it on my scalp.  I was not only disappointed to not get a sudsy lather, but disgusted at the fact that my head felt covered in gritty sand......sand that would not wash out.....sand that would not go away. After rinsing for what felt like 30 minutes (note to self this might not be the most environmentally friendly experiement) I followed up with the vinegar rinse.  Again - NOT what I wanted to smell at 8am.  I thought to myself that these women were either nuts or had way to much time (and water) on their hands. 

I was mildly suprised though, at how soft my hair felt when I got out and combed through it - wait - could this possibly work???

I got out the blowdryer because that really is the final test for me - and I have to say that aside from feeling very slightly 'fly away' my hair actually looked decent enough to be seen in public.  I took Maddie and her friend out to Crazee Bongos and nobody stared or held their nose as I walked by, withering from the stink of vinegar.  I gave today a 6.5/10 rating on the scale of great hair.  None of the WOW factor, but decent and admissable in public - done and done!

Tomorrow should be interesting because I am going to not shampoo at all and just rinse.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

Pictures to come!


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