15 May 2010

'Maddie'ness' - The Art of being 3.5 (oh yes there is more)

Last week I was at rehearsal for our new one act play.  We normally rehearse on Wednesdays and when Matt is gone (or working nights) I take Maddie with me.  She has literally grown up back stage at Whittle Hall, knows most of the directors and actors, and where to find the good biscuits in the girls dressing room back stage.  Everyone there has watched her grow up from a tiny newborn (seriously, I auditioned for a play when she was 5 days old), to a stubborn toddler who would yell for me to come on stage (even if it wasn't my turn), to the cute and funny girl who watches us rehearse while quietly putting in her two cents every now and again.

We had just wrapped up on a couple of run throughs and the director wanted to have a bit of a de-briefing with us.  Usually at this time, Maddie likes to come up on stage and run around a bit.  She was really hamming it up this time, trying out the props, sitting on the furniture and singing a little song.  One of the directors turned to Maddie and said:

"So - are you going to be an actress when you grow up"
Maddie replied "NO!  I am going to be a rescue dog" (duh)

At which point I piped in and said "I don't think that you can actually be a rescue dog - because you are not really a dog."
Maddie: "I know - I'm just pretending"
Me: "Oh- carry on then"
Maddie: "But really when I grow up I am going to be...."

wait for it.......


We all pretty much lost it at that point, which really pissed her off.

Maddie:  "That's not funny - I can BE 23 when I get big and then you are not going to be my best friend anymore"

Me: "Okay - you can be 23 when you get big, but can we still be friends?"

Maddie: "I'll think about it."

Little Gems


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